ACCB and Kbal Spean (T1) – Easy Trek

Perfect One-Day trip for wildlife enthusiasts who also want to learn about Cambodian history!
You will see ancient temples from the Angkorian period, learn about Cambodian jungle wildlife and see endangered animals in the conservation, and enjoy a short hike in the jungles.

HIGHLIGHTS: Wat Preah Dak, Prasat Banteay Srei, ACCB wildlife, Kbal Spean, Chaw Srei Vibol Temple. Total 3km hike.


ACCB, Jungle temples and Kulen Mountain (T2) – Medium Trek

Amazing 2 days trip to Cambodian wilderness!
Enjoy first day sightseeing Angkorian temples, learning about endangered wildlife and hiking to the overnight stay at the Preak Kral Pagoda with distant views.
On Second day you will hike across the jungle to find long ago forgotten temple remains and reward yourself with a refreshing swim at the Kulen Waterfall!

Day 1: Wat Preah Dak, Prasat Banteay Srei, ACCB wildlife, Poeng Ta Kho, Preah Ang Choub, 1000 Lingas, Preah Ang Thom, Preah Kral Pagoda. Total 10km hike.
Day 2: Jungle temples 15 km hike, Kulen Waterfall.

Svay Leu, Kulen Mountain and Campsite, Kulen Waterfall (T3) – Medium Trek

See for yourselve how Kulen Mountain nature is impacting the local community lifestyle.
On the first day you will learn about local way of living on the Kulen as well as enjoy amazing views and overnight stay at the picturesque Kulen Adventures Campsite.
Greet your second day with a sunrise on top of the campsite and hike across the jungle temples to the well deserved relaxation in the Kulen Waterfall.

Day 1: Start at Siem Reap, Svay Leu, Sangke leak, Kulen Campsite. Total 10km hike.
Day 2: Kulen Campsite, Kraham Temple,  Preah Ang Thom Pagoda, 1000 lingas, Kulen Waterfall, Return to Siem Reap. Total 15 km hike.


Prasat Beng Mealea, Jungle Temples,
Kulen Waterfall (T4) – Medium Trek

Start your first day with sightseeing local markets and with brief hike to Kulen Campsite.
Explore the overgrown jungle paths to find the remains of long forgotten temples and enjoy the overnight stay at the Preah Kral Pagoda. Hiking on the third day will be more relaxing with a refreshing last tour stop at the Kulen Waterfall!

Day 1:  Banteay Ampil, Svay Leu Pagoda, Peung Kom Nuo, Kulen Campsite. Total 5km hike.
Day 2: Sangke leak, Wat Anglong Thom, Damrei Krab Temple, Elephant Pond, Bat Cave, Preah Kral Pagoda. Total 15km hike.
Day 3: Rong Chen Temple, Koki Temple, Bram Temple, Aur Pha On Temple, Preah Ang Thom Pagoda, 1000 Lingas, Kulen Waterfall. Total 5km hike.

Svay Leu, Jungle Temples, Kulen Waterfall (T5) – Hard Trek

Venture across Cambodian jungle

Day 1: Banteay Ampil, Jungle trail hike. Total 15km hike.
Day 2: Sangke leak, Wat Anglong Thom, Damrei Krab Temple, Elephant Pond, Bat Cave, Preah Kral Pagoda. Total 15km hike.
Day 3: Rong Chen Temple, Koki Temple, Bram Temple, Aur Pha On Temple, Preah Ang Thom Pagoda, 1000 Lingas, Kulen Waterfall. Total 5km hike.


Svay Leu, Kulen Campsite, Jungle Temples, Kulen Waterfall (T6) – Hard Trek

Kulen Adventures offer exclusive travel adventure tours in Siem Reap area, focusing around the picturesque Phnom Kulen National Park.

Day 1: Svay Leu Pagoda, Jungle trail, Kulen Campsite. Total 5km hike.
Day 2:  Jungle temples trail, Sangke leak, Wat Anglong Thom, Damrei Krab Temple, Elephant Pond, Bat Cave, Preah Kral Pagoda. Total 15km hike.
Day 3: Rong Chen Temple, Koki Temple, Bram Temple, Aur Pha On Temple, Preah Ang Thom Pagoda, 1000 Lingas, Kulen Waterfall. Total 15km hike.
Day 4: Poeng Ta Kho,  ACCB wildlife, Preah Dak. No hiking.

Jungle trails, Kulen Campsite, Jungle Temples, Kulen Waterfall (T7) – Hard Trek

Perfect 4 day tour for advanced and adventurous hikers!
Hike across the jungle trails and get amazed by Kulen mountain views from the Kulen Campsite. Explore the remains of ancient temples hidden and overgrown in Cambodian jungle. Enjoy relaxing overnight stay at the Kulen Waterfall and learn about Cambodian wildlife at the ACCB on your way back to Siem Reap.

Day 1: Jungle trail, Kulen Campsite. Total 15km hike.
Day 2:  Sangke leak, Wat Anglong Thom, Damrei Krab Temple, Elephant Pond, Bat Cave, Preah Kral Pagoda. Total 15km hike.
Day 3: Rong Chen Temple, Koki Temple, Bram Temple, Aur Pha On Temple, Preah Ang Thom Pagoda, 1000 Lingas, Kulen Waterfall. Total 15km hike.
Day 4: Poeng Ta Kho, ACCB, Preah Dak. No hiking.

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Kulen Adventures Co Ltd. All rights reserved. 2020