Kulen Adventures Campsite is a unique camping site in the middle of Phnom Kulen National Park, and is equipped with essential facilities for a comfortable stay.


Kulen Adventures Campsite is strategically situated at the Southern side of Phom Kulen Mountain, allowing us to reach and engage with local communities and enjoy solitude in Cambodian jungle.

You will be surrounded by mountain valley views, distant rice fields, and incredible sunsets and sunrises above the jungles.

Kulen Adventures can also organize campsite sites at:
Kulen Waterfall campsite, Preah Kral Pagoda, Kraham Campsite and Preah Ang Thom.



Kulen Adventures Campsite is equipped to easily accommodate up to 50 people at once. For larger groups further preparations are required and in such cases we would kindly ask to contact us in advance.
 – spacious double size tents (210cm x 180cm, rainproof, well ventilated, with mosquito nets), with 5cm foam mattress padding and flat wooden platform underneath, clean bedding and towels are provided every night, tents will be assembled by our team
 – hard roof, rainproof shelter which can accommodate up to 10 tents and  more hammocks
 – kitchen and dining area protected from the rain and sun heat
 – flush toilets and showers


Kulen Campsite offers various activities:
 – yoga and meditation
 – hiking across the jungle
 – local food cooking classes
 – participation in traditional Khmer ceremonies
 – enjoy evenings with sunset views and meals by the campfire
 – greet the morning sun rising above the jungle

Kulen Adventures-campsite
Kulen Adventures Co Ltd. All rights reserved. 2020