Kulen mountain, ancient temples, Roulous Group, Angkor

Kulen Adventures offer exclusive travel adventure tours in Siem Reap area, focusing around the picturesque Phnom Kulen National Park.

Day 1: Wat Preah Dak, Prasat Banteay Srei, ACCB wildlife center, Poeng Ta Kho, Kulen Waterfall.
Day 2: 1000 Lingas, Preah Ang Thom, Aur Pha On Temple, Bram Temple, Koki Temple, Peung Tbal, Damrei Krab Temple, Elephant Pond, Preah Kral Pagoda.
Day 3: Wat Phnom Bie, Prasat Beng Mealea, Banteay Ampil, Chaw Srei Vibol, Lolei, Preah Ko, Bakong Temples, Prei Monti, Trapeang Phong, Totung Thngai.
Day 4: Phnom Bakheng, Baksei Chamkrong, Angkor Wat, Tonle Om Gate, Bayon Temple, Baphuon, East Top temple, Khmoch Gate, Ta Prohm Temple.


Kulen mountain, Ancient temples, Roulous Group, 2 days in Angkor (H2)

Kulen Adventures offer exclusive travel adventure tours in Siem Reap area, focusing around the picturesque Phnom Kulen National Park.

Day 1: Wat Preah Dak, Prasat Banteay Srei, ACCB wildlife center, Poeng Ta Kho, Kulen Waterfall.
Day 2: 1000 Lingas, Preah Ang Thom, Aur Pha On Temple, Bram Temple, Koki Temple, Peung Tbal, Damrei Krab Temple, Elephant Pond, Preah Kral Pagoda.
Day 3: Wat Phnom Bie, Prasat Beng Mealea, Banteay Ampil, Chaw Srei Vibol, Lolei, Preah Ko, Bakong Temples, Prei Monti, Trapeang Phong, Totung Thngai.
Day 4: Phnom Bakheng, Baksei Chamkrong, Baphuon, Angkor Wat.
Day 5: Bayon temple, Phimeanakas, Prasat Preah Palilay. Terrace of the Leper King, Terrace of the Elephants, Victory Gate, Ta Prohm, Banteay Kdei, Pre Rup, East Baray, Ta Som, Neak Poun, Preah Khan, East Top.

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Kulen Adventures Co Ltd. All rights reserved. 2020