ACCB and Kulen waterfall (RO1)

Spend a romantic day surrounded by Kulen Mountain nature!
A perfect tour for a couple who want to spend a day intimately and surrounded by the amazing nature of Kulen Mountain. You will see and learn about Cambodian wildlife, enjoy amazing cliff sceneries, have a relaxing swim and Kulen Waterfall, and visit secred places like Preah Ang Thom Pagoda and 1000 linga river.

Highlights: ACCB wildlife enter, Poeng Ta Kho, Kulen Waterfall, Preah Ang Thom Pagoda, 1000 Lingas.

Floating Village and Svay Leu (RO2)

Enjoy a romantic getaway to mangroves forest!
Start your day with boat ride to the floating village where you will learn about lifestyle of local fisherman and enjoy a private boat tour across mangroves forest. Afterwards, you will also see the incredible Prasat Bend Mealea temple remains, admire Peung Kom Nuo cliff views, and visit ancient Angkorian times temples of Bantey Ampil and Chaw Srei Vibol.

Highlights: Kampong Phluk Floating Village, Mangrow forest, Prasat Beng Mealea, Svay Leu, Peung Kom Nuo, Banteay Ampil, Chaw Srei Vibol.


Svay Leu and Kulen waterfall (RO3)

Spend 2 days discovering Kulen Mountain with your significant other!
Enjoy intimate time wondering around ancient temples, hiking across the jungle, and admiring Preah Ang Thom Pagoda. You will also such sacred places like 1000 lingas river, enjoy a refreshing swim at Kulen Waterfall and lear about Cambodian wildlife at ACCB center.

Day 1: Chaw Srei Vibol Temple, Banteay Ampil Temple, Prasat Beng Mealea, Svay Leu Pagoda, Wat Anglong Tho, Jungle temples, Preah Ang Thom Pagoda.
Day 2: 1000 Lingas Temple, Phnom Kulen Waterfall, Poeng Ta Kho, ACCB wildlife center, Prasat Banteay Srei, Wat Preah Dak.

ACCB and Kulen waterfall (RO4)

Perfect 2 days tour for active nature enthusiasts!
Spent your first day learning about Cambodian wildlife, admiring cliff side views from Poeng Ta Kho, sightseeing sacred places like 1000 lingas river, stone carved 8 meters Buddha and Preah Ang Thom, and Preah Kral Pagoda. Your second day will be more active and you will hike 10km across the jungle paths to discover hidden temple remains. After the hike, enjoy refreshing swim in the Kulen Waterfalls!

Day 1: Wat Preah Dak, ACCB wildlife center, Poeng Ta Kho, 1000 Lingas Temple, Preah Ang Thom Pagoda, Preah Kral Pagoda.
Day 2: Jungle temples hiking, Phnom Kulen Waterfall.


Svay Leu, Kulen waterfall
and ACCB Wildlife (RO5)

Spend 3 romantic days on Kulen Mountain surrounded by incredible views!
This tour is a perfect combination for couples who are more active and want to see ancient temples, hike across the jungle, admire sunsets with a glass of champagne, and enjoy the amazing Kulen Mountain nature.

Day 1: Chaw Srei Vibol Temple, Banteay Ampil Temple, Prasat Beng Mealea, Svay Leu, Kulen Campsite.
Day 2: Wat Anglong Thom, Jungle temples, Preah Kral.
Day 3: Jungle temples, Preah Ang Thom Pagoda, 1000 Lingas, Kulen Waterfall, Poeng Ta Kho, ACCB wildlife center, Prasat Banteay Srei.

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Kulen Adventures Co Ltd. All rights reserved. 2020